
5 Ways to spot a low-quality paper bag from a well-crafted one

Adopting environmentally sustainable packaging in your business has a number of benefits; they can save you money as you spend less on disposable products and also improve your businesses brand image. 

However, if you supply your customers with poor paper bags they will break easily and could damage your company’s reputation as well as your customer’s new purchases. Here are 5 of the tell-tale signs you have been supplied with a high-quality paper bag. 

The seams are bound with a low-quality glue 

One simple check you can make on the quality of your paper bags is the way they the different sections are attached. If they are secured with low-quality glue it will be easy to tell as your bespoke paper bag will be fairly destructible. 

The printing quality is not great

If you are attempting to get your brand across to your customers through bespoke paper bags the detail and quality of the print is essential. If the ink wears off, this will cheapen its appearance to customers. On the other hand, if you have a premium quality ink perhaps with a variety of finishes this will increase the aesthetic appeal of your bespoke paper bags. 

The handle feels easily perishable 

Sometimes it will be difficult to tell the difference between two paper bags based on the quality of the body material alone. If the is the case look at the quality of the paper bag handle. If it is a flimsy paper handle that looks like it may tear at the first sign of rain, then you may have lower quality, more economical bespoke paper bag. 

However, if the handle is made of a good string/rope material that feels comfortable this is usually a good sign that you have been supplied with a high-quality bespoke paper bag. 

The material of the paper bag is not the best 

The quality of the paper is another way to tell if you have a quality paper bag in your hands. The feel of a matte finish is an indicator of quality. This is important as it will convey a quality brand image to your customers. If the bag is made of quality materials, this will increase its usable life. 
If you have any doubts as to whether you are receiving a quality product you should make changes to your supply chain. Finding a bespoke paper bag manufacturer who can deliver quality products will give your customers a better experience increasing the likelihood of them returning.

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