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Home / Lifestyle / The Perception of Beer Needs to Change

The Perception of Beer Needs to Change


To all the men out there, I present the only authentic list that checks into the benefits of drinking beer.  As told by many, beer is God’s way of showing his love, and surely, it is valuable for human health. Don’t believe me? Just watch Stone Cold Steve Austin make people happy by drinking beer in a wrestling ring.

On a serious note, beer is not just an alcoholic drink but one that comes with many health benefits. If you drink beer in moderation, here are some cool things you need to know about the nectar.

It’s full of nutrients

Although the amount is not too high, yet our favorite drink contains traces of iron, phosphorus, copper, fluoride, magnesium, silicon, sodium, calcium, zinc, selenium, potassium, and manganese. As per our experts, beer also provides a unique set of antioxidants which is present in hops and malts used in its processing.  However, the nutrition levels depend solely on the composition of your beer. Good taste and nutrition? Now that’s a drink I like.

It promotes bone health

You will be shocked to know this, but the dietary silicon present in beer is essential for the development and growth of our bones and its connective tissues. According to a study conducted by the American Medical Association, it was discovered that non-drinkers had thirty-eight percent more chances of developing osteoporosis. Another research undertaken by Osteoporosis International found that moderate drinkers were at a twenty percent less risk of hip fractures. Thus, drinking beer in controlled amounts can help our bones promote protection to their density and quality.

It improves cholesterol

It has been confirmed that the soluble fiber present in beer is quite effective in reducing bad cholesterol or LDL. When we intake a good amount of soluble fiber, our body boosts the functions of healthy blood-cholesterol and blood-sugar levels. However, people struggling to lose weight must stay away as alcohol reduces the body’s competence to burn more fat. Hence, you should not indulge in heavy drinking or beer will start giving you the classic “beer belly.”

It boosts psychological health

Various medical studies have proven that light to moderate drinking is beneficial for people in their40s and 50s. People who do not go overboard with beer experience less cognitive decline than people who are at the extremes- drinking too much or not drinking at all. The carbonated drink can help you combat stress and tension too. Just one pint of a good beer and you could be in holy heaven.

Reduces the chances of type 2 diabetes

As stated earlier, people on extreme ends of drinking are not as healthy as moderate beer drinkers. We would like to confirm that moderate beer consumption slashes down the risk of type 2 diabetes by thirty percent.

It improves eye health

Beer is full of antioxidants which can prevent mitochondrial damage but make sure you focus mainly stouts and ales. It is also considered very beneficial in protecting against serious but common eye diseases like cataract.

Whether you want your bones to stay strong or just have good eyesight, there is not a better or more delicious way to achieve your goals.

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