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Get Comfortable With Vegetable Gardening


Vegetable gardening is both fun and rewarding. It helps in reducing stress and anxiety issues. But, to become a master gardener, you will have to learn more about the fundamentals of backyard gardening. Now, let us acknowledge the basic values behind growing top-quality vegetables on our own.

Use the space properly

Before doing anything else, you must consider the amount of sunlight and water your vegetables will be receiving. Your garden’s location should have a solid water drainage system and should also be comfortably exposed to the sun.

All of us are hopeful for a huge garden which produces fruits and vegetables of our choice. But the reality is quite different as you must not focus on the quantity but the quality of production in your garden. Ask yourself, do I have the room, time, and energy to create and maintain a huge garden? If not, then you should not regret a smaller garden that is easy to manage. If you have a nuclear family, then a small garden can become the primary feeder too. On the contrary, in a joint family, it still serves as an important source of healthy and tasty vegetables.

Forget about the rows

Instead of creating a traditional row, you can build four feet raised bed for plantation. The rowing system is best suited for huge farms with big farming machines but not in a backyard garden. Thus, without the rows, you will have the required square footage to grow more crops with raised beds.

In case your garden is producing ample food for your family, then the establishment of a raised bed will reduce the garden’s size. The remaining land can be used for planting green manure crops or for plant rotation. Otherwise, you will have extra space to grow more crops of your choice.


Trellising is another useful method to combat the issues of less space. The plantation method is great for people who want to grow more corps in a smaller garden and for those who require a support framework for vegetables like pole beans and peas. You can use the fence around your garden as a trellis as long as these plants are rotated every year.

One can even build wooden support, but it should be sown before the plants find the need for foreign support to grow taller. In the case of melons and tomatoes, you will have to tie them around the frame for better support.

Keep record

You can have a clear idea of your gardening skills with a journal that records every bit of hard work you put in your garden. It keeps us updated about the crops and also guides us in making better future decisions. Nonetheless, a record will also be of great help for other people who are starting their gardening journey.

Guide created by Bird-X, a bird control company


Backyard gardening is an art that requires both commitment and passion. I advise you to start with a small area and expand as per the outcome of your efforts. All in all, the only thing you would regret while gardening is over-confidence.

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