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Home / Design / How To Create An Awesome Office Space In Your Bedroom

How To Create An Awesome Office Space In Your Bedroom


The new work-from-home environment has caused many of us to quickly scramble and form makeshift home offices. However, working at the dining table or in the living room has posed challenges. After all, it’s easy to get distracted by the TV or those leftover chores! As a result, with the current work-from-home environment here to stay for the time being, it’s vital that we all create dedicated office spaces that allow us to work at our best. Here’s how you can convert a corner of your bedroom into an awesome, productive office space.

1. Pick a desk that complements your current theme

As your desk is going to sit permanently in your bedroom, you need to make sure that it complements your room’s existing design. This way, your office space will feel like an extension of your bedroom, rather than something crammed in.

Thankfully, as this selection of desks shows, it’s easy to find a desk that suits your requirements. Wooden writing desks will fit with any natural theme, while industrial black desks fit sleeker and more modern bedroom styles. You can even get a desk with drawers if you hate clutter.

2. Position your desk to create segregation

Your bedroom is a place of calm and relaxation. Because of this, it’s a space that should be free from loose papers and wires. As a result, if you can, you could try to hide your office space in a large built-in wardrobe. This way, once your day of work is done, you can close the office doors and the space will simply disappear.

If you don’t have the storage space to make this work, then you should at least make sure that your desk is forcing you to face away from the bed. Otherwise, it’s easy to become distracted or get tempted by a quick afternoon nap.

The best place to put your desk is under the window. Not only will this prevent you from staring at the bed, but it will also help you work in the natural light. According to Forbes, both of these factors can help make you more productive and comfortable.

3. Pick the right chair

In order to be productive, you’ll need an ergonomic, comfortable chair.

Of course, because you’re working in your bedroom, you don’t need to have a large and cumbersome office chair. You just need to find something that will provide you with appropriate support for long periods and follows the ergonomic rules laid out by Then, not only will you be comfortable, but your health will improve, too.

Again, make sure your chair doesn’t contrast too heavily with the rest of the room, so you can create a sense of cohesion. Remember, you want the space to look awesome, so consider every design choice you make carefully.

4. Consider multi-purpose furniture

If you’re working with a small room, then you can use multi-purpose furniture to help you create an awesome office area without sacrificing much-needed space.

Large nightstands can double up as desks and provide you with a space to work. This isn’t ideal as it merges your working space with your relaxing space, but by taking simple steps like turning your laptop off and storing it away overnight, you can still create boundaries between work and home.

5. Get the lighting right

Bedrooms are designed to be dark, cosy spaces. This means that the lighting in a bedroom usually isn’t conducive to working productively. So, try purchasing some warm overhead lights and a desk lamp. Both these forms of lighting will make sure that you avoid any glare and you can choose options that look incredibly stylish, fitting in nicely with your bedroom decor.

By creating an awesome bedroom office, you’ll be able to maximise the benefits of working from home and you’ll make yourself more productive than ever before. One thing’s for certain, you’ll absolutely love the commute!
Infographic Created By Rightsize Facility, Experts In Office Space Planning

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