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Best Outdoor Life Books for Men Who Want To Experience Nature


If there are old things that have stood the test of time, then they have to be outdoor life books and adventure books. The reason they have refused to go away easily is that they are legitimate masterpieces that cover what men love best – outdoor activities for example travel, fishing, backpacking, hunting, and adventure.

It’s worth noting that we cannot measure the success of men outdoor books by the number of awards they have scooped, but rather by the miles they take us. How they shape your imagination is what matters the most.

At times, reading a travel article can get as transformative as the adventure itself, right? Well, there are tons of such materials in the outdoor life books listed below, and they are indeed worth your time and money.

Now, are you ready for the list of men outdoor books that most experienced globetrotters recommend?

The Best Outdoor Life Books

a man reading a book

Enjoy our list of the best outdoor life books below!

Don George’s Moveable Feast

If you are a fan of traveling and traveling to eat, then Don George’s A Moveable Feast will fuel your journey with tales from 38 destinations across the globe.

This outdoor book is in real terms a thrilling compilation of the world’s most popular foods, first-hand narration from renowned chefs, foodies and writers as well. The writer explores different types of foods from different tribes and races, and how these foods bring people together.

You also get to know about the least talked-about food and mouth-watering delicacies, and how they are prepared. 

Moveable Feast is available here on Amazon

Reading this book will provoke you to adopt cooking certain foods when you go hiking.

The Rings of Saturn

W. Sebald’s The Rings of Saturn cannot be said to belong in any genre. Most people say it is a memoir, while others call it a travelogue. Others view it as a novel. Nonetheless, it is an outdoor book worth reading.

This book is an account of a narrator who goes on a walking tour, meandering through Suffolk County in England. This book blends a mental journey with place descriptions and people. If you are a passionate explorer, you will find this book amazing, especially if you fancy herring fishing and a whole lot more outdoor activities.

The Rings of Saturn is available here on Amazon

Inside the book, you are sure to find thoughtful adventure stories that will easily provoke your curiosity as you read through. Ensure that you acquire a copy of this book if you want to cultivate curiosity a step by step.

Land Of Lost Borders by Harris Kate

Have you realized that the urge to explore new places is what causes us to travel? Well, is there any place on earth that has not been visited? Now that almost all places have been visited by millions of other explorers before you, where will you go to discover?

Harris Kate, who spent a year cycling on Silk Road answers the above questions for you, in her memoir, Land Of Lost Borders.

This book is incomparable to other travelogues you have read before because it covers areas that no one else has talked about or written about. It also explores borders and the history of the world’s remotest areas that you can plan to visit.

Grab a copy of this outdoor book at Amazon

The writer perfectly captures how it feels to cycle and explore the wilderness and areas that you may find uncomfortable.

Our Way into the Future by Thomas Berry

Berry is an anthropologist by profession, so you can expect to get first-hand insight into how people interact with the outdoors.

In this book, Berry explores how humans have been interacting with the environment over the past years, and compares it with the interactions in present times. He implores us to understand that we can impact on the environment, either positively or negatively.

Get this book on Amazon

This book is specifically designed for people who love outdoor activities. It is an ideal book for you if you hope to change how you interact with the surroundings when you go outdoors.

The Adventure Gap: Changing The Face of Outdoors by J.E. Mills

James Mills, an African- American journalist, and writer is the author of this book. It is part social commentary and part autobiography. It is the untold story of African mountaineers, and he tells a story of each member of the expedition. 

Mills takes readers through a mountaineer’s experience, from training to packing, and then traveling on glaciers alongside a crew he has learned to trust.

The Adventure Gap is available on Amazon

If you want or are planning to go on a mountaineering tour with fellow outdoor friends, then this book is ideal for you will not only learn how to get along with crew members but also get to learn more about the history of outdoors in the African-American setting.

John Muir’s The Yosemite

This next book in our selection of outdoor life books will offer you the experience of California national parks. You will feel the beauty without even setting foot in California.

Muir eloquently notes all the animals and plants in Yosemite. He also employs keenness in detail. This way, he denies readers the chance of ignoring to appreciate the beauty of California’s landscape. Additionally, you develop naturalism at heart, at least if you appreciate outdoor life. 

Get this unmissable book here on Amazon

It explores outdoor activities such as exploring national parks, hiking, and hill-climbing. An outdoor life also equips you with the history of the land you choose to visit. This book offers you all that.

A Walk in The Woods by B. Bryson

One of the most famous outdoor life books is A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson.

Passionate outdoorsmen love backpacking as well, right? Well, Bryson covers backpacking as an outdoor activity, and you are left inspired.

It starts with his story of wanting to know his surroundings better. That is why he chooses to hike the Appalachian trail alongside a long-time friend. He blends humor and honesty to narrate to the readers about the backpacking process, the importance of palling beforehand, and how to adapt to what you did not expect. 

It is available online at Amazon

Men, this is a great read for you if you want to go on a backpacking tour, and how to handle situations when things get tough.

A Sand County Almanac by A. Leopold

If you love reading true reflections and outdoor essays, then this is arguably a great read for you. Leopold gives a classic account of the history of conservation in the United States, but it is his connection that makes readers remain glued to the pages of the book.

A Sand County Almanac is available on Amazon

Leopold is a trained and highly experienced conservationist, so you get to digest first-hand insight into how to impact positively on the environment when you carry out outdoor activities.

America’s Best Day Hikes by Derek Dellinger

Indeed, there is always enough time for day hikes. But where can you go hiking? Well, America’s Best Day Hikes brings along a whole lot of options between its pages. This read is recommended for outdoor enthusiasts, specifically those who go hiking.

Get America’s Best Day Hikes online here at Amazon

This spectacular guide will leave you excited than ever because its 328 pages come with first-hand insight from experienced hiker Derek Dillinger. Guides are accompanied by 100 images and over 50 region maps, making it a must-read for all outdoorsmen.

This Road I Ride by Buhring Juliana

Lift your hands if you can recall Juliana? It should be all of you. She, in 2012, became the fastest woman to cycle across the continents. That is incredible, but her narration in this book is what will motivate you to keep doing chasing your life goals until you have achieved them.

Being an outdoor enthusiast, she will drive you to kick the pedaling butt. Whether you are ambitious or not, you won’t resist the urge to do something great, because that is exactly what this read is all about persistence.

Find This Road I Ride here on Amazon

It focuses on mental toughness, self-discovery, and physical hardships. And since it is overly deep and honest, you can’t resist the urge to keep reading the book time and again.

Breaking Trail by Blum Arlene

In this outdoor book, Blum, an experienced mountain climber writes about her personal experience as an outdoor climber. She also relates her childhood memories to her mountain climbing expeditions.

The book is a thrilling narrative about her expeditions at Annapurna and Denali, but it also introduces the reader to her earlier mountain climbing world. Additionally, she also talks about breaking the ceiling as a woman mountain climber and scientist at the same time.

Breaking Trail is available online at Amazon

Now, this read targets you, especially if you are the kind that is yearning for adventure but you keep worrying about whether you will accomplish what you start.

The vigor, spirit, and honesty exhibited by Blum in this book will, without doubt, inspire you to start and accomplish what you can achieve. Could this be the idea you were lacking to get started in setting and accomplishing outdoor goals? Maybe.

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

This next book on our list is an essential for fans of outdoor life books.

Does this book’s title sound more of a movie than an outdoor book? Well, you have probably heard about or seen the movie Into the Wild, right? If you have not, then let’s explore it a bit and you get to discover what it is all about.

Into the Wild is the true story of Chris McCandless, who after getting fed up with society’s commercialism, gives away all his property and leaves for Alaska. He abandons his life to go hiking in Alaska.

This must-read outdoor ‘movie’ is available online at Amazon

Even though both the book and the movie will move your emotions, it is the former that will provide you with more context.

Essentially, we can conclude that this is the read that sets the standard for other outdoor life books.

Alone Against the North by Shoalts Adams

Raise your hand if you are a canoe lover? Now, would you want to risk your life by paddling on a river you know nothing about?

Without a map, Adams paddles in a river he knows not even the name. Isn’t this what we call extra courage? When you don’t know what you are in for?

Find Alone Against the North on Amazon

Even though it sparks fear among beginner outdoorsmen, it instills a desire to venture into canoeing in you. It is highly recommended so you won’t go wrong with it.

Climbing from Rock To Ice by Funderburke and Fitch

Do you want to learn how to get comfortable with how you move on ice and other tough terrains?

Climbing from Rock to Ice is available here on Amazon

This guide will help to achieve exactly that. No matter how poor your rock skills are, this read promises to transform them within no time at all. Apart from that, you will also get to know the similarities between rock and ice climbing when you read this amazing outdoor life book.

American Alpine Journal

Men, this great read by American Alpine Club will certainly go a long way to boost your experience in outdoor expeditions. A variety of inspirational stories and a variety of teams is what this yearly journal is all about.

You just need to keep flipping the pages for more information about ice, snow, and rock-climbing, or anything related to that.

You are likely to start planning about the adventurous climbing tour you have been craving for if you read about other people’s stories.

You can get American Alpine Journal on Amazon

American Alpine Journal is a perfect read for both beginners and pros who desire to inspire themselves through the stories narrated by other outdoorsmen.

Levison Wood’s Walking the Nile

This book is essentially a true adventure narration by Levison, who travels by foot, from a Rwandan forest to the Mediterranean region of Africa. He has to survive and develop resilience as he endures the tough adventure.

Find Walking the Nile here on Amazon

He laces his work with historical and social interactions and it is this informative style that will make you keep turning the pages as the story unfolds. One of our favourite outdoor life books.

a man reading outdoor life books

Get Yourself Outdoor Life Books

Now that you have a list of outdoor life books, you can comfortably shop online and enjoy reading about the things you love. You can also read comic books to fill your days with fun.

If you love the outdoors just as much as we do, don’t miss our guide to influences of gardens across the world.

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