
Tips from interior designers on how to design your dream home

There is a world of difference between a room designed by a professional interior designer and one created by a decorator. Interior designers have a box of tricks which can turn a basic room into a fabulous space with an elegant antique mirror, hanging pieces of artwork, a lighting arrangement or even how the curtains are positioned. We alongside Powerpoint have put together the best-kept secrets in the trade to make your home a work of art from the inside out. 

Floor Plan

When it comes to designing a floor plan is essential, you should make sure that any furniture is spaced out correctly to give everyone space to move around without having to stretch or squeeze through small spaces. This leads us to our next point.

Furniture Arrangement 

One design mistake that is seen often in homes is too much furniture, which is especially apparent in open-plan spaces. Cramming a lot of furniture into one place can make accessibility hard and people will tend to use the space less frequently. Any walkways in your space should be at least 90cm wide for two people to be able to get past with complete ease.

Three Is The Magic Number

The power of three is very apparent when designing a home – as are most odd numbers in general. This works for pillows, candles, vases, pictures and much much more. When three items are placed together it helps to force the eye to move around the display, creating a level of interest. 

Balance Your Colour Scheme

If you want an easy way to create a colour scheme in your home remember this 60% of the room should be filled with your dominant colour, 30% should contain your secondary colour and 10% should have your accent colour. This adds a bit of everything but also doesn’t add too much which can be a delicate balance to have. 

Invest In Designer Pieces

Designer furniture really does get better with age so it is well worth investing in. Truly show-stopping pieces will make a great focal point in any room. 

Play Around With Scale & Shapes

Go big or go home as they say in the interior design world. Upscaling an accessory can make a room look a lot more striking but also creates a comfortable and cosy atmosphere in a space. Lamps and lighting is usually a safe way to play with scale as they can create a huge impact without taking up any space.

Replace or Upcycle

A good interior designer will know when it’s time to replace an item and when a piece of furniture can be recycled into something new. Kitchens are a fabulous starting point – Give them a lick of paint, swap the doors or even swap the handles. Once you have upcycled your cabinets you might then want to look to buy a brand new oven, range cooker or fridge freezer with the money you saved from your upcycle.

Provided by Chicago Real Estate Institute, that provide a real estate broker license Chicago

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